Thursday, February 19, 2009

Two very long days...

I did not get to write last night. We had dinner out after we were done at the hospital. I was exhausted when we arrived back at the hotel, but I can only imagine how the surgeons feel. Five surgeries were completed yesterday, all went well. Most of them came to the step down unit today. Dennis mentioned in a previous post is now without his breathing tube and is improving daily. Thank you for your prayers! 

Three surgeries were done today, one was canceled due to a patient with an infection. However, one of the surgeries lasted most of the day. It was very difficult, and the patient did not do well in the operating room. The mother upon being told that the patient's condition was very grave, the mother smiled and said, "It's okay, its in God's hands." That faith is unbelievable. The child did make it out of the operating room thanks to the skill of our surgeons. Please pray for this little one.

On a great note, 2 children got to go home today. They were spunky and feeling great! The kids are enjoying all of the toys!

For my mother, yes I am doing well, very tired. We miss you tons and wish you were here on a daily basis. There are so many kids and so few of us it seems. We were in the paper today, a good story.

Hope all is well, 2 more days of surgery...more later.

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